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Realtime Hoody


Turntable CloseUp

Turntable Full Body

Variation 01

Variation 01

Variation 02

Variation 02

Variatio 03

Variatio 03

WireFrame Front

WireFrame Front

WireFrame Back

WireFrame Back



Hey everyone,

with this project, I tested and tweaked my previously built modular shader pipeline. The goal of the project was to create a high-quality piece of clothing in Unreal Engine that is completely customizable. Both the colors and the materials and prints can be changed completely and easily through shader parameters.

After a deep dive into hair and fashion, it's now time to tackle my next weakness... heads =)

The Basemesh and a lot of my knowledge is based from Laura Galagher`s Workflow and awesome Learning Tutorials
@! Check it out!

The model has 7779 Tris.

Thanks for reading!